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The best surf-spots in Tenerife North and Central

Let’s check which are the best surf-spot in Tenerife North!



Tenerife has a big variety of surf breaks to suit all levels of surfing, and the locals most of the time are friendly.

The Northside of the island has some reef breaks that are best to surf during the winter months when there’s most swell and wind. The most famous spots are La Derecha de Almàciga, La Punta, Los dos Hermanos and Fuera de la Bajeta.

The surf breaks in the north part are less popular than Las Americas, which means it is easier to get a wave. However, the points are more difficult and have higher waves with better protection from the east coast of Africa and more solid water, bigger current, and wave power.

El Callado – Bajamar -La Punta – Punta de Hidalgo


El Callado/Bajamar/La Punta are known for sure to be the best north Tenerife waves for intermediate surfers.

There are two types of entrance in the spot: one illegal that is going threw an entrance of a hotel that is not working now (but watch out there is always a guardian that controls that nobody passes) or threw the next village (Punta De Hidalgo) and follow the mountain trail. You can find the exact position here and here where to see the spot (watch the satellite map).


satellite view
View from the high car street Of Arenal Beach


El Callado consists of sand and boulders that provide a good foundation for the ocean. The best place to surf in the southern point near the shoreline, which creates rippable rights when perfect and in the really good days can become like Indonesia, a world-class spot! The best tide is low to medium. The good thing is not to go when the tide is high because the wave breaks on the shore that is full of big rocks you don’t want to meet.

El Arenal is a good place for surfing because the surf is good for almost all of the year. In particular, look out for that small NW wave when it is at its best. The waves are easy-going rollers and break in multiple directions. At 2 to 5 feet, this spot is perfect for intermediate surfers.

La Punta – best iframe with a beautiful right wave that can get very long with more than 3 sharp sections
The right wave under the hotel, as you can see it can get very porn-wave that can be the wave of your life!
La Punta
Please respect local people that keep the place clean and respectful!
Photo by lalaguna_granhotel


Bajamar (El Charco) can have waves of all sizes but is best around high tide. Expect the waves to vary, but surfing is best from the northwest. Summertime and winter are the optimum times of year here. Much of the surf in Bajamar is created by a solid winter swell from the NW, and some of it is protected from easterlies that are coming off of Africa. The surf is for more serious surfers than other parts of Tenerife and has big waves, fast barrels, and less busy breaks.



Bajamar Wave


We suggest you also go visit the Bajamar natural swimming pool, especially on a day with big waves, you will be able to see crazy waves crash against the rocks with awesome water explosions!


Photo by Eduardo Ramos


Playa Del Socorro

Playa del Socorro is a favorite among locals, and it reflects the power of the Tenerife North Shore. You can expect triple overhead waves in the midwinter NW swell window, but this spot is well protected with flanking headlands. It’s challenging with strong currents, but you could find some localism but don’t worry the beach break has a lot of space that helps you to find your space and be respectful with all the other surfers. It is located here.


View from the street of Playa Socorro
Sunset view of Playa Socorro
View from the street of Playa Socorro


La Caleta

La Caleta is an intermediate-advanced break but can handle waves up to 12 feet.

The best season for surfing here in early spring when the swell isn’t too large. In general, offshore winds are much better than the wind from the southeast.


view of La Caleta



Almáciga is a surf spot on Tenerife north and is the favorite of travelers surfers. However, it is further away from civilization and only accessible by car or other means of transportation. Though, the winter swells are always right up against the coast. There are also better opportunities for lefts and rights. Watch out for submerged rocks.
The black sand beach of Almáciga has natural breaks both left and right-handed. The most common break is to the right and it’s called La Derecha de Almaciga (Almaciga’s Right). It provides good conditions for the whole year.
The ideal condition swell angle could be the northwest.  La Derecha de Almaciga provides left and right-handers, but overcrowding can make surfing hazardous.
view of the beach
Beautiful sunset in Almaciga
Right wave of Almaciga
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