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5 Best Beach Bars & Chiringuitos in Tenerife

Beach bars and chiringuitos in Tenerife are where the locals go for good times, music, and plenty of appetizers and beer. At the beach, there are a lot of things to do. You can relax and watch the waves for hours or you can find an exciting activity like parasailing. But even with all this excitement, sometimes it’s great to just sit back and enjoy some drinks with friends.

The warm climate of Tenerife is the perfect place for people to go out and have a good time. Beach bars and chiringuitos are popular destinations for locals to enjoy their favorite music, hang out with friends, and order some delicious food. What really goes well with sunsets? The right amount of beer and plenty of appetizers!

We’re not the only ones thinking that beach bars and chiringuitos in Tenerife will help you enjoy your day at the beach to its fullest, because few things are as enticing as being greeted with a smile when you have a beer in one hand and a tasty shrimp on the other.

Here’s our list of the best beach bars in Tenerife you don’t want to miss!


Chiringuito Pirata

El Pirata is set next to the beautiful Playa de La Tejita and with the majestic Montaña Roja in the background. Enjoy delicious dishes such as paellas and mojitos, and receive unbeatable views from its location.


Mana Nui Chiringuito

One of the best beach bars in Tenerife is Mana Nui. The service continues to run daily from 10 am-9 pm with the exception of Tuesdays, which are a day off. Rest and indulge for the rest of the day out at this bar with stunning views of the Montaña Amarilla National Park.


Coqueluche Beach Bar

Playa de la Enramada is one of the most energetic and pleasant-looking areas in Costa Adeje on Tenerife. Here you can find the Coqueluche Beach Bar offering delicious dishes including sandwiches, pasta, fries and quesadillas from 11am to 10pm. Oh, and there are nightly live performances by musicians at sunset.


Chiringuito Bollullo Beach

One of the black sand beaches in Tenerife is El Bollullo, which has its own beach bar to enjoy with the sun and sea. Offering dishes of international cuisine, visitors of this bar have highlighted their perfectly cooked croquettes and Spanish tortilla.


Chiringuito El Tamboril

Another highly appreciated bathing area is in Radazul, on the coast of El Rosario, where you can find El Tamboril, which is known for its calm ambiance and moderate prices. Try drinking a mojito at Chiringuito El Tamboril or simply cool off with an ice-cold beer.

So, even if it’s not hard to spot a bar or chiringuito in Tenerife, these are just some of the best you can find. All bars have different types of atmospheres, live music, and decor. Some are elaborately decorated while others are homey and welcoming. Whether you’re looking for a drink with your family, a live show with friends, or a party to attend- these bars have what you need to create the perfect experience.

And once you’re tired of the beach did you know that there are some great rooftop terraces in Tenerife? These provide a place to sit comfortably and still feel as if you’re looking at a spectacular view. Whether it’s to watch the sunset with a drink or continue drinking late into the night, these rooftop terrace bars offer amazing views of the ocean and city. These are four of the best rooftop terrace bars in Tenerife. Along with their great scenery and delicious food, they are always some of the liveliest places around.


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